What Is A Lab Cabinet?

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Johnson Long
steel lab cabinet
A lab cabinet is a lab furniture that is used to store the reagent, documents, files, glassware, etc. It can be made of steel, wooden, or PP material.

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A lab cabinet is a lab furniture which is used to store the reagent, documents, files, glassware, etc. It can be made of steel, wooden, or PP material. The lab cabinet has many types. 

Movable Steel Cabinet

 This cabinet is smaller than the chemical storage cabinet. It has four-wheel on the feet. Many of them are made of steel, ABS, or wood. 

Chemical Storage Cabinet

 It is 1800-2500mm high with shelves inside. Some designs have drawers.

PP Storage Cabinet

It is designed to store the chemical reagent. 

File Storage Cabinet

An everyday cabinet can be used in an office or lab. 

Flammable Storage Cabinet

A heavy cabinet can store dangerous items. 

Drug Storage Cabinet

The cabinet is made of 1.0mm cold roll steel, powerful and heavy; it can prevent drug abuse.

Gas Cylinder Storage Cabinet

This cabinet can be used to store the gas cylinder. So the gas can be used in a safe status.

Sample Storage Cabinet

It can be a steel or pp material-made cabinet.

Inflammable Storage Cabinet

It is a solid and heavy steel cabinet to store combustible items in the laboratory.

Toxic Element Storage Cabinet

It is a grey steel cabinet to protect the toxic element. 


Our factory can design and made different type of lab cabinet for you. 

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